In lieu of a final this session, we’ll kick off the college search with a few applications to get you comfortable with the process. Fill out the OU and OSU applications to the best of your ability–we’ll look over them tomorrow and I’ll give you some feedback. Also, bring three other applications from universities of your choice.
In case I don’t say it enough in class:
Visit colleges this summer.
Get a group of your friends (and a parent or two) and hit the road. Integrate college visits into your vacations. Talk to people back from college for the summer. Talk to the people with the job you dream about. ((Honestly, there are many vocations out there that do not require a regular degree. Find someone successful and see how they got there.)) The College Visit is a rite of passage; dive in.
Last thing:
I know a number of you signed up for the Senior Visit Day at TU; if you didn’t, there is still time.
Just a quick reminder that your (hypo)theses ((That is, a tentative thesis)), journals, and research are due Monday. Because that will be our field day, all classes will be moved to before lunch, so get to school early (I’m there at 7:30) to print anything off. If you are out sick, send me an email with the above information.
Let me know if you have any questions.
You are currently working on your final outlines for Love in the Time of Cholera. These will be due this Friday, April 2nd. Your first rough drafts will be due the following Monday, April 5th. You will spend that week reviewing the drafts with your peers and one-on-one with me. Your final drafts will be due that Friday, April 9th.
Your outlines for the first three sections will be due Monday. Be sure to print it out before class, as we’ll be discussing them. If you’d like, email a copy to me and we can help you on the board.
Your final papers will be due the last day of the session: Friday, 19th.
Name | Chapter | Date |
A.J. | Refusal of the Return | Thursday 11th |
D.F. | The Magic Flight | Thursday 11th |
S.G. | Rescue from Without | Friday 12th |
G.B. | The Crossing of the Return Threshold | Friday 12th |
K.B. | Master of Two Worlds | Tuesday 16th |
S.R. | Freedom to Live | Tuesday 16th |
M.B. | The Keys | Wednesday 17th |