Logs vs Legos

AP Language

February 16th, 2009

Themes: , , ,

(credit to LD for the title)

We’re gathering resources for our next synthesis question:

Read the following sources carefully.  Then write an essay in which you develop a position on whether Lincoln Logs or Legos better promote creativity in children.  Synthesize at least three of the sources for support.

Post your info on Lincoln Logs or Legos below.  Remember, this is not an assignment for credit, but simply a chance for us to create our own question.

A plea for information…

AP Language

July 27th, 2008


You might not be aware of this: Your humble teacher does not receive information on your individual AP test scores.  This makes emendation of last year’s plans difficult.  (Not that we followed the "plans" last year, but skill/topic focus is important.)  That said, if any of you would like to share your score information with me I would greatly appreciate it.  If you have any advice regarding last year’s test preparation (or the class in general), please share that as well.

It was a great year; I’m looking forward to the next.



Re: Your Question

AP Language

May 12th, 2008


What happens after the test? from Examiner.com.