(Not a calendar that is the epitome of calendar-ness, just an overview of what we’ll be up to in the coming weeks. Click to expand)
This is going to be a fantastic close to your senior year; archetypes are (by definition) apparent in every culture around the world and can be seen in every story ever told. For the past two years I’ve emphasized that “everything’s connected”; now it’s time to see just how closely.
This will be a four-step project with plenty of benchmarks on the way. (More specifics to come.) Today I have you an overview of how to learn/do research with index cards. Trust me on this. Follow my instructions and you’ll have no problems.
Your homework tonight is to choose an archetype that you wish to study. I’ve given you lists, and here are some more. And some tropes from television. And here’s a t-shirt.
After you’ve chosen, read the two stories I included with the “Index Cards are Your Friends” handout and compare. Mark the similarities and the differences, and anything else you find interesting about them. Make index cards for them if you’d like to get ahead for tomorrow, but I’ll walk you through the process in class.
And please, for the love of the class, let me know if I’ve made a mistake on this calendar. (All dates subject to change with advanced warning. Things happen.)
Or, Tsuru no Ongaeshi, a classic Japanese fairy tale.
As you read, see if you can find any of the archetypes we’ve been discussing. Also, if you’re familiar with The Decemberists, check out the lyrics for their album The Crane Wife.
Read twice, annotate. We’ll talk about it on Monday.
We discussed your paragraphs and ideas for the essay in class today. I was quite impressed with your ideas, and can’t wait to read the product on Monday.
If you were absent, please send me an email and I will get you caught up.
Remember, while we will go through the peer review process on Monday, you should come to class with a typed, “finished” paper. Seven pages is too many, three is not enough.
Send me an email if you have any questions.
Just a reminder: Your vocabulary words are due Monday when you get to class. If you want to email the list to me, there is a “contact” button at the top of this page. Also, we will be discussing the novel to chapter six on Monday, so please get caught up before then.
So, the plan is to check your answers, take the numbers you got wrong, write down the definition in your own words, use it in an original sentence, then turn it in before March 23rd. (That’s the Monday after Spring Break.)
Also, we will be moving our reading schedule back a day. Read through page 123 for tomorrow.