The best lack all conviction, while the worst

World Literature

September 1st, 2010

Themes: , , , , , , , ,

Are full of passionate intensity. ((Full text.))

So. Okonkwo’s story is reduced to a “reasonable paragraph.” It is a tough story, but perhaps a few questions remain:

More questions to come, I’m sure. Please add your own (or any answers) in class or in the comments below.

We will wrap up our discussion of this novel officially tomorrow, but will continue to come back to it throughout the year. Our next work is Oedipus, which we will follow with The Stranger.

Your midterm paper will follow the same writing process we used your junior year (compilation of patterns and ideas from your journals, organization into outlines, peer review, presentation, rough drafts, peer review and one-on one with me, final drafts. You will be required to pull from multiple works (those read in class and others you discover on your own; check the syllabus for ideas) in presenting your ideas on the development of identity. Keep this in mind as you continue to read and journal. We’ll discuss the patterns you are finding during class discussions and when I check your journals.

Jonathan Safran Foer Materials

AP Language

September 1st, 2010

Themes: , , , ,

Some quick information for those interested in listening to Foer’s talk at 1:30 tomorrow. If you have not yet discussed this with your fifth hour teacher, I recommend writing an apologetic note asking for any material you may miss. It is up to your teacher whether you may attend. As this is short notice, it may be impossible, but you are welcome to go to the talk he will give tomorrow night at Congregation B’nai Emunah at 7.

From The New Yorker: 20 Under 40: Jonathan Safran Foer

From The New York Times: “Against Meat,” an article adapted from his newest book, Eating Animals.

From PopMatters, a review of Eating Animals. ((Thanks, Shadi))

Please read over the materials in preparation for the talk if you would like to attend. (Actually, read over the second article anyway—it is worth your time.) We’ll discuss them in class tomorrow.

Ebert & Video Games

We will continue our discussion of Roger Ebert’s argument tomorrow if time permits. The article we are discussing is here, and a followup, “Okay, kids, play on my lawn” is here.

Kellee Santiago’s talk is below.

Summer’s over


August 30th, 2010

Dear knitters,

Well, we met last week and a few of the people that had come throughout the summer had shown up and we just talked about what our plan for the year was. It was very nice of them to keep pushing through and we congratulate them. Hopefully it won’t be too difficult to get new comers, word of mouth is probably going to be our best bet, so tell a friend—then bring them. Also might encourage more knitting if you’re knitting yourselves so if you can—bring something to knit. We have more bear patterns if you want to start a bear just ask for one, but you can make pretty much anything. If you don’t know how to make what you want, we can help you learn how. We’re going to try to make most arrangements through this blog so before you ask us what we’re doing this week try checking the blog. If you have a question make a comment, same goes for suggestions. We want to try and make everyone be heard, and frankly, texting one of us Wednesday  night doesn’t quite fit that. First thing you can comment about is whether or not you can make it on Thursdays. A lot of people seem to be unable to make it Thursdays, so suggest a day and we’ll see if enough people agree that that day would be better. That’s all for now really. Until we actually decide if what day we’re doing it on we will be meeting on Thursdays right after school. If you can’t find a ride make a comment and we’ll try to find you one. Hope the beginning of your school year is going well.


Alex Prieto

P.S. Stallings, I hope you notice my use of em dashes.

P.P.S. I also hope I’m using them correctly.

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