Love in the Time of Cholera Overview

World Literature. Sat, Oct 10th, 2009 at 3:29 pm

Themes: , , , , , ,

Update: I’ve received a few questions about our plans after my absence. We’ll continue the schedule as laid out, but I’ll be looking over your journals on Monday the 19th. Thanks, JS

Love in the Time of Cholera is not for the faint-of-heart, as I’m sure you’re all aware by now. I’ve posted a reading schedule below. It would be wise to read ahead (and journal all the way) over the weekends and breaks if you’re afraid of falling behind. (For those who find themselves lost in discussions of passages they’ve read beyond, the reading journal is a good way to refresh your memory.)

Journaling is vital to the creation of a solid paper towards the end of this novel. If you scroll to the end of the schedule, you’ll notice that we end the novel on a Wednesday (the 28th) and turn in a final draft of your term paper the next week (the 3rd). By journaling as you go, you are keeping track of patterns that emerge (see “Some things,” below). When you formulate your thesis, you are explaining what these patterns say about the work as a whole. From there, creating an outline is a matter of going through your journal and grouping quotations and insights that support your thesis, then putting them in a logical order. Writing a rough draft should be mostly copying your comments and their accompanying quotations from your journal.

It is not a simple process, but most of the insight work should be done while you’re reading and during our discussions. The writing process is communication work: organizing, working on flow, reinforcing your points.

I’ll work with each of you as we go, but I can’t read/journal for you; I can merely guide you in the right direction.

Possible essay topics:

These are only ideas; let me know if you come up with another one.

Some things to be journaling:

We will have a brief quiz on Monday. If you are having difficulties keeping up with the reading, see me and we’ll work it out.

To check your understanding, check out this site, which has a list of basic questions about each section. This isn’t an assignment, though it would be beneficial to read over them after you finish a section.

Reading/writing schedule:

Date Discussion Due
Thurs. (08) 3-25 (Ferm. has put on a loose…)
Fri. (09) 25-51 (Ch. 2) Journal
Mon. (12) 51-74 (Flor’s life has changed…)
Tues. (13) 74-103 (Ch. 3)
Wed. (14) 103-124 (the 3rd letter in Oct…) Journal
Fall Break
Mon. (19) 124-150 (that night she stopped…) Journal
Tues. (20) 150-163 (Ch. 4)
Wed. (21) 164-191 (sooner had the convers…) Journal
Thurs. (22) 191-224 (Ch. 5)
Fri. (23) 224-278 (Ch. 6) Journal
Mon. (26) 278-301 (Death’s passage…)
Tues. (27) 301-323 (She insisted with so much…)
Wed. (28) 323-end; overview; discussion of thesis statements; prewriting in class Journal
Thurs. (29) outline writing; thesis revision Thesis statements due
Fri. (30) Peer review of outlines Outlines due
Mon. (02) Peer revision Rough drafts due
Tues. (03) Peer review; begin final drafts Second drafts due
Wed. (04) Final drafts due

One Response to “Love in the Time of Cholera Overview”

  1. Shelby says:

    Thank you for today.