“Love” Essay

World Literature. Sat, Mar 7th, 2009 at 8:00 pm


In case you missed it, here’s the assignment due Monday:

We have encountered several types of “love” thus far in Love in the Time of Cholera, so I’d like to give you all an opportunity to voice your own perspective/opinion.  Bring to class on Monday a written (see specs below) account of your thoughts on love. 

Now, you can choose your format (as long as it’s prose; no poetry, sorry), be it an academic essay or a short story.  You can deliver an account from your own experience (as long as you make it clear how others can learn from it), you can write a philosophical examination of the phenomenon, you can differentiate between different types of love, or explicate the metaphors in the novel so far (I’d suggest the “bird” imagery or Florentino vs Dr. Urbino).

The Specs:

Paper must follow the guidelines set out here, be between 150 and 500 words, and be written in third person.  (No “I,” “me,” or “we” words.)

If you do not follow these guidelines, I will return your paper to you.  I would rather you not have to focus on the technical aspects, but some of the papers I receive just look funky.

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