Fantastic class today, people! We will continue in that vein tomorrow, discussing the articles you brought that we didn’t get to today, and discussing the Soto article. I made this neat chart for our rhetorical vocabulary, so it will hopefully make more sense:I will explain tomorrow, but basically, the techniques are made up of various devices (both rhetorical and literary), and can be used to appeal to the audience’s logic, emotions, or judgment of the speaker. If you want to look up anything unfamiliar on the chart, that would be a good thing. More discussion, less lecture.
How’s the article coming? Is it everything you hoped for and more? If you missed class today, here is a copy of the article we’re reading. Mark it for rhetorical devices, interesting parts, etc., and we’ll discuss tomorrow. Here’s a copy if you missed class.
August 22, 2007 at 2:31 pm
go to…
I love the description of the shooter in the 9th paragraph… does it mean that we shouldn’t trust men with bowl cuts and thick glasses?