The Moral Waterfall

AP Language

November 5th, 2008

Themes: ,


Final Essay

AP Language

November 4th, 2008

Themes: ,

It’s here, really.

Just/Unjust Law Final

AP Language

November 2nd, 2008

Themes: ,

Continue reading over the sources for your support, refute, or qualify essay [click to download] this weekend.  We will work on your thesis statements on Monday, your support on Wednesday, and write the final drafts on Friday.  Normal article analyses will be due Tuesday and Thursday.  (Holy organization, Batman! A week planned in advance!)  Have a great weekend, enjoy the extra hour.

Edit: Great ironic inevitability!  Of course, as one of you so gently informed me, you do not have school on Friday.  So, the essay will be due at the end of class on Thursday, and the rest of the schedule stays the same.  [sigh.]

Edit 2: Here is the url for the essay download site:  Six of you have downloaded it so far, so it must be working at some point in the process.  Keep me updated if you are still having trouble.  There will be no article analyses tomorrow because the gods of organization have conspired against my best laid plans.  Work on your essays, come to class tomorrow with a thesis statement and some support.  [If you email a copy of your thesis to me before tomorrow I’ll smile warmly upon you.]

I had a really weird dream last night

World Literature

November 2nd, 2008

Themes: ,

…involving faces without lips, raised eyebrows, and tight frowns.  Thanks guys.

We went over the plans for each of your essays last week.  Continue sorting through the quotations from your books, and we’ll begin thesis statements/essay building next week.  If you haven’t begun collecting quotations, you have an extra hour today!

See you Monday.

Possible R&G Essay Topics

British Literature

October 23rd, 2008


If, for some reason, you have chosen to write an essay instead of creating a screenplay, you must choose from one of these two topics:

Also, please let me (and your group mates) know that you will be writing this instead of participating in the project.