The Eternal Debate: Are video games art?

AP Language

April 23rd, 2010

Themes: , , ,

The argument:

The counterargument:

Roger Ebert: “Video Games Can Never Be Art

Actually, Santiago’s argument is a counterargument to an earlier assertion by Ebert. But who’s counting.


The Secret Of Kells


April 18th, 2010


We need to interpret some myths. We’ll talk tomorrow.

YouTube – The Secret Of Kells – Promotional Trailer.

Postmodern. The question for tomorrow: why? Comments Off on YouTube – Dwarfed Punk

Atonement with the Father


February 9th, 2010

Themes: , , , ,

Heroes edition.

[By the way, for those who haven’t been watching, Claire is a girl with powers (she’s indestructible) and her father has fought through four seasons to keep her protected and her secret safe. They are currently buried in a trailer underground.]

Claire begins this journey with a dependence on her father: “You have a plan—I know you have a plan,” but rejects his belief that he must protect her from the world.

They speak as equals, and as her father loses hope, she fights to protect him.

Finally, Claire rejects her father’s belief that those with powers should stay hidden (at home, where it’s safe) and embarks on her own journey.

My Fans! My Glorious Fans!

AP Language, Mythology

February 3rd, 2010

Themes: , ,

Trying something new here. (Well, some things.)

Posted a screencast for the Brit Lit class. Videos for you guys will follow, but it might give you some insight into my workflow, help with your arguments.

I’ve gone headfirst into the social mediasphere. Since you all seem to be anti-RSS feeds, I’ve set up a Facebook page that will send you updates via your account. (Yes, all the classes are mashed together, but you might learn something from the posts from the other classes.)

Just go here, inflate my ego by becoming a fan, and receive updates when I post to the blog. (I’ve connected my Twitter page to the feed as well, so if you are somehow on Twitter but not Facebook, follow me here.) This should be an efficient way of getting information to you guys outside of class, but we’ll see. It’s just a test. As always, if you have an idea about how to make this better, let me know.