
Contemporary Nonfiction

March 5th, 2008

Themes: ,

Here is the video that began our discussion this week:

We’ve discussed what it means to be a student, what a school should provide an how, but what should we as individuals do when faced with this information? Do we dismiss it as alarmist, or do we need to make some changes? What are these changes? Do we think this is this an inevitable change in society, or is there something we can do to stop it? As individuals? As a class? As a school? What is within our power to change? What do we need help with in order to facilitate these changes?

Oh, the quest(ions) continue….

Some things to read while thinking about this:

Japan Looks to a Robot Future

The Mother Theresa of Baghdad

and to look at:

It’s a kitten, in a bucket, surrounded by yarn! Clear your thoughts and imagine your future.

Two Million Minutes

Contemporary Nonfiction

March 2nd, 2008

Themes: , ,

[This is a repeat of this post from earlier this month.]

Check out the resources for more information:

Yahoo! news article

Some things to keep in mind:

Write about your thoughts, reactions, solutions, or arguments.  Post below if you’d like.