Volunteer Work Archive - The Winsome Scholar

KW Volunteers

AP Language, Volunteer Work

April 18th, 2008

I’m told that the 3rd graders are planning a "secret" pizza party for their high school friends. Wouldn’t it be nice if we returned the favor?  I’m reaching out to you all for ideas.  Something knitted for our friends might be cool; I’ll talk to Ms. C about that.  Please remember that there will be no reading this coming week, so we should have plenty of time to plan and create.  If inspiration hits, post it below.

I’ve been very impressed with all of you who have stuck with it this semester.  It may seem like a simple activity, but it makes an immeasurable difference in the kids’ lives.  For them to have interaction with someone, if only for an hour each week, someone who is interested in their lives and their development, is a very big deal.  You each have made a difference in the life of another.  For that, much respect.  The world needs more people like you.

Elementary Pen Pals

AP Language, Volunteer Work

September 16th, 2007


Just following up on an announcement on Friday. I spoke with my friend again today about setting up a pen pal program between you guys and her elementary students. She said her students are really excited about the opportunity, and have already begun writing letters. Let me know if you would be interested in this. It will certainly not be graded, but it would be a great way to help them with their spelling, etc.

Also, for those of you who are fairly proficient or fluent in Spanish, she is looking for some high school students who would be willing to read to them on Tuesdays or Thursdays. The kids love this, but often are not read to at home; many of the students who speak Spanish cannot read it. I can get the information to anyone interested in this.

Oh, speaking of volunteer work, how did the race go? Were any of you able to attend? I want stories when we get back.

We will be watching The Island on Monday and Tuesday. I did not realize how perfect this movie would be as a blend of our two very different books. It is by no means great cinema, but the ideas and concepts are there for us to discuss. If you miss class, rent the movie and watch it at home. It is PG-13, so watch it with your parents permission. I will be monitoring the unnecessary parts in class.