“Comic-Con International Comic-Con is proud to announce the nominations for the Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards 2011. The nominees, chosen by a blue-ribbon panel of judges, reflect the wide range of material being published in comics and graphic novel form today, from heartfelt autobiographical works to books aimed at kids and teens to deluxe hardcover archival editions. Unlike in past years, superheroes are very much in the minority in this years selections.”via The 2011 Eisner Awards: Nominees Announced – Nominations Span Full Range of Works. Comments Off on The 2011 Eisner Awards: Nominees Announced – Nominations Span Full Range of Works
“Moore and Bolland, Miller and Varley, Morrison and well… a lot of different people. Three creative teams. Three definitive takes on the Joker.”A little fortuitous given our discussion today. via Mindless Ones » Blog Archive » Three fools – Part 1: Moore and Bolland’s Joker. Comments Off on Mindless Ones » Blog Archive » Three fools – Part 1: Moore and Bolland’s Joker
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I’ve uploaded several journal articles to the folder in Google Docs. Read over a few ((You’ll be using several in your analysis, so any work you do tonight can go towards that.)) —during class tomorrow you will choose one to present later in the week.
Here is the plan (with dates!).
Tomorrow (Wednesday 23rd):
Thursday 24th–Wednesday 30th:
Thursday 31st:
Friday 1st:
That may have been overly specific, but I hope it clears up any questions you may have about our process. Let me know if you have any further questions.
[A copy of this is also in the communal folder in Google Docs.]
We embarked on our graphic journey last week with a discussion of Scott McCloud’s definition of comics. In this definition, McCloud emphasizes the sequential nature of graphic storytelling, arguing that the transition from frame to frame and the closure necessary to make the narrative complete is what distinguishes comics from other media. For contrast, we read and discussed Robert C. Harvey’s definition in his essay “How Comics Came to Be.†Harvey takes exception to McCloud’s exclusion of single panel comics (especially political and “gag†cartoons), emphasizing the juxtaposition of words and images in his definition.
Next week (March 21-25) we will continue our study of Maus and the graphic genre in general. Here is the plan:
Read over the essay “Reading Visual Narrative: Art Spiegelman’s Maus†by Jeanne C. Ewert. I passed these out in class, but you can access a copy in the communal folder ((Log in to the Google Docs account you used in my class previously. If you don’t see a folder called “Community Files,†send me an email and I’ll add you to the list.)). Write a synopsis of the article (this should be no longer than 500 or so words, due Monday) and read and journal over Maus in light of the author’s claims. Some questions to get you started:
We will discuss the story and Ewert’s analysis on Monday.