Mythology Archive - The Winsome Scholar - page 7

My Fans! My Glorious Fans!

AP Language, Mythology

February 3rd, 2010

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Trying something new here. (Well, some things.)

Posted a screencast for the Brit Lit class. Videos for you guys will follow, but it might give you some insight into my workflow, help with your arguments.

I’ve gone headfirst into the social mediasphere. Since you all seem to be anti-RSS feeds, I’ve set up a Facebook page that will send you updates via your account. (Yes, all the classes are mashed together, but you might learn something from the posts from the other classes.)

Just go here, inflate my ego by becoming a fan, and receive updates when I post to the blog. (I’ve connected my Twitter page to the feed as well, so if you are somehow on Twitter but not Facebook, follow me here.) This should be an efficient way of getting information to you guys outside of class, but we’ll see. It’s just a test. As always, if you have an idea about how to make this better, let me know.



January 6th, 2010

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Did you know George Lucas started out as an anthropology major?

Me neither. Check out this interview from NPR’s Fresh Air. The whole story is quite interesting, but if you want to skip it, the last few minutes are discussion of the myths behind Star Wars and Campbell’s influence on Lucas.

Seen Any Great Myths Lately?


January 2nd, 2010

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In the second half of this course, we’ll be reading selections from Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces as we finish up our reading of Ovid. Be sure to read through book 10 before Monday.

Note: This video contains mild violence from the movie Matrix. Use your best judgment.

On with the show.

What do they know?


December 11th, 2009

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Allusions (and Ducks)


November 30th, 2009

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Quick answer to that one.

So, we discussed allusions in class today. I was happy to see the broad range that you guys came up with. Maybe we ought to come up with a way to catalogue them all? We’ll talk about that tomorrow.

If you didn’t have anything to contribute, don’t worry too much. There will be plenty of time to make up the points, but do keep your eyes open. One of the goals for this semester is for us to see how deeply these stories have impacted everything that came after. Use your journals, and if you can grab a picture or bring in a file or web address, that would be great.

We’ll be discussing the end of Book V tomorrow. Make sure your journals are up to date!