British Literature Archive - The Winsome Scholar - page 5


AP Language, British Literature

August 18th, 2010

Hope you had a great first day as upperclassmen.

This blog will be my primary means of disseminating information outside of the classroom. As I state in the syllabus: if you have a question, check here first. If you don’t find an answer, send me an email or post a comment. If it’s a quick question or urgent, the little box in the bottom corner is a direct link to me.

Read the rest of this entry »

How To: Hanging Indent

AP Language, British Literature

February 16th, 2010

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For all your bibliography needs:

The trick is to move your indentation markers all the way to the left (make sure your margins are set to 1″!), then, with the cursor on the citation you want to change, move the bottom marker (looks like a little house) over 1/2″.

Note: This assignment called for an annotated bibliography, so there is a sentence or two between the citations explaining how the source was used. Check your assignment instructions (or ask your teacher) if this is necessary for your assignment.

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Final Essay Schedule

British Literature

February 10th, 2010

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Just a reminder based on what we discussed in class today:

You have until tomorrow to get in those long-overdue assignments and such.

Bring this On this day So we can do this
Rough draft, annotated bib Friday 12th Peer review of grammar, evidence, and cogency
Revised draft, annotated bib Tuesday 16th Peer review of organization, citations
Final draft, annotated bib Wednesday 17th Discuss theses

Research Notes

British Literature, Uncategorized

February 3rd, 2010

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Lotta information here, so read all the way through. There is a small chance that my blog will explode once I upload this vid-o-knowledge, so stand back. Protective eyewear required.

The Research Video:

I worked on a screencast of my research process last night (about 2 hours worth). It showed the choices I make, my workflow, organization, reliable sources, etc. I hit Save…and nothing happened. I’m stuck with a 4GB avi that doesn’t play. Live and learn. I spent the rest of the night working on the following video, which shows a segment of my research on “nerds” for the Twilight paper (which will be awesome, btw).

Some of you wished to have a copy available at home, so I’m posting it here. I’m going to add notes to the video later to make it more self-explanatory, but I think it is fairly clear now. Also, if you have any suggestions (video speed, information, clarification, etc) for this video or anything else you’d like me to record, let me know. This is a learning process for me.

My Fans! My Glorious Fans!

In addition to the screencasts, I thought I’d dive deeper into the social mediasphere. Since you all seem to be anti-RSS feeds, I’ve set up a Facebook page that will send you updates via your account. Just go here, inflate my ego by becoming a fan, and receive updates when I post to the blog. (I’ve connected my Twitter page to the feed as well, so if you are somehow on Twitter but not Facebook, follow me here.) This should be an efficient way of getting information to you guys outside of class, but we’ll see. It’s just a test. As always, if you have an idea about how to make this better, let me know.

How’s the Research Coming?

AP Language, British Literature

January 30th, 2010


Update success, troubles, questions in the comments.