AP Language Archive - The Winsome Scholar - page 43

Daily Articles

AP Language

March 13th, 2008


I’m going to try to get into the habit of posting the articles in the main blog body instead of the news feed to the right (thanks KO, for the idea).  The pickings are sparse today, but since I should be doing a daily feed (and we only do articles twice per week), there should be more to look at in the future.

Obama’s rhetoric.  Author’s pulling at the reminiscent heartstrings hardcore here.  Does her argument work?  Popmatters Story

More rhetoric in the blogosphere: Treehugger Story

This is the piece of art? game? I was describing in class: game, game, game, and again game via Popmatters

Upton Sinclair’s novel The Jungle incited a mass overhaul of the American meat processing industry in  the early 20th century.  Is video a more effective means of persuasion? NYT: Dining & Wine Story

More to come later tonight; I’m headed to look at more houses!

W&G, New and Improved (with Reminders)

AP Language

March 4th, 2008

Maybe.  I’ve been working with this template for a while, trying to get the elements lined up and the CSS…  I’m not sure why I’m telling you that.

The "Articles" link above (which I should fix in a day or so) will link you directly to my shared articles page at Google.  I will remove the widget in a week or so.

Remember, new and improved essays are due tomorrow.  Please attach your draft to the newer copy when you turn them in.

We will continue (or begin) the article discussions tomorrow.

Lastly, if you haven’t read the article from Slate.com comparing Obama and Clinton to Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck respectively, do it.  It’s an interesting and informed piece of creative journalism.


AP Language

March 4th, 2008

I think I broke my blog.

If you want to get a head start

AP Language

February 23rd, 2008

Tags: , ,

on this session’s final paper, check out RottenTomatoes.com for articles on An Inconvenient Truth.  George F. Will is an op-ed columnist for The Washington Post, and has written a scathing counterargument to Gore’s movie. 

For the good of the community, post any other online articles you find.

Inconvenient Truth/Final

AP Language

February 22nd, 2008


We will be writing an essay over An Inconvenient Truth for our final on Thursday.  It is vital that you are not absent, as we will be watching the movie in class on Monday and Tuesday.

If you agree with the message, you will be writing an analysis.

If you disagree or are not sure, you will be writing an argumentative paper, refuting or qualifying the argument.

Here are the notes from the Rhet review:

Visual Rhetoric

More on Monday.  Post questions below.