If you read nothing else from this post, read this article from In These Times. Author Mike Levy discusses Kurt Vonnegut’s works with a small group of students in China. As a rare insight into how a very different culture views our own, it may be fitting that their lens was crafted by America’s most insightful absurdist. In These Times article
Because everyone loves Jackie Chan. NPR story
Fathom this: MSNBC Story
Story from John McCain’s early career. Slate story
The future ubiquity of technology. NYT: Technology story
Slow news day, sorry.
As usual, we will be discussing articles tomorrow. I’d like to see some original works from you. Think of an issue that matters in your life, something you enjoy or wish could be changed, then write about it. Remember, this is not a chance to "report" on something—you should write a persuasive piece. If you’re having trouble coming up with ideas, go over some previous analyses that you’ve written, find an attached article, then write the issue as it should be argued.
Check out my previous post on invention from the Winter’s Night Blog if you’re still stuck, or would like some guidance on clarifying your position/point.
Good luck! I can’t wait to read them.
John McClane in the next election.
check out the post at Winter’s Night Blog.