AP Language Archive - The Winsome Scholar - page 31

Have Some Spare Time?

AP Language

December 30th, 2008

Tags: ,

Check out FreeDocumentaries.org for some… free documentaries.  Please remain skeptical (as always) when consuming these works; good arguments are convincing, but the message is not always accurate.  In line with our ever-evolving "What is cool?" debate, see "PBS Frontline: Merchants of Cool"

Absoloutely No Educational Value Here.

AP Language, Internet Goodness

December 15th, 2008


You have been warned.

Quick Reminder

AP Language

December 15th, 2008

[Bah!  Foiled again!  The best laid plans…]  Ahhh, gotta love random breaks.  I don’t mean to rain on your snow days, but I thought I’d remind you that the project is still due tomorrow Wednesday, weather permitting.  If you have any last-minute questions, send me an email.

Visual Arguments

AP Language

December 11th, 2008

Tags: ,


Check out the Conservative/Liberals Post for readable instructions.

Please bring a clean, final copy of your argumentative article to class tomorrow.

One More Quiz: How’s Your US History Knowledge?

AP Language, Internet Goodness

November 20th, 2008

American Civil Literacy Quiz.  I got 84.85%  I’ll be retaking AP History and Economics next session.