AP Language Archive - The Winsome Scholar - page 17


AP Language, British Literature

August 18th, 2010

Hope you had a great first day as upperclassmen.

This blog will be my primary means of disseminating information outside of the classroom. As I state in the syllabus: if you have a question, check here first. If you don’t find an answer, send me an email or post a comment. If it’s a quick question or urgent, the little box in the bottom corner is a direct link to me.

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AP Language, Mythology, World Literature

May 19th, 2010

Just a reminder: all makeup work is due at the beginning of class tomorrow. No exceptions.

University Links

AP Language

May 18th, 2010

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For the good of the class, comment the links to college applications below.

Youniversitytv.com offers virtual tours of universities around the country.

Commonapp.org—One application, 390 universities.

It’s that Time…

AP Language

May 17th, 2010

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In lieu of a final this session, we’ll kick off the college search with a few applications to get you comfortable with the process. Fill out the OU and OSU applications to the best of your ability–we’ll look over them tomorrow and I’ll give you some feedback. Also, bring three other applications from universities of your choice.

In case I don’t say it enough in class:

Visit colleges this summer.

Get a group of your friends (and a parent or two) and hit the road. Integrate college visits into your vacations. Talk to people back from college for the summer. Talk to the people with the job you dream about. ((Honestly, there are many vocations out there that do not require a regular degree. Find someone successful and see how they got there.)) The College Visit is a rite of passage; dive in.

Last thing:

I know a number of you signed up for the Senior Visit Day at TU; if you didn’t, there is still time.

Brilliant idea. Anyone signing up?

48 Hour Magazine, a raucous experiment in using new tools to erase media’s old limits. As the name suggests, we’re going to write, photograph, illustrate, design, edit, and ship a magazine in two days.

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