[This is a repeat of this post from earlier this month.]
Check out the resources for more information:
Write about your thoughts, reactions, solutions, or arguments. Post below if you’d like.
about the final paper tomorrow. It must follow the guidelines we established at the beginning of the year. I will not accept a paper that is not properly formatted. These guidelines are as follows:
This paper is your chance to show me what you can write, that you can apply what we’ve learned these past weeks. Turning in a paper is not a guarantee that your grade will go up, but if you write an excellent paper that illustrates your understanding of the concepts we’ve covered, it can dramatically raise your grade.
If you have any questions, email me or comment below.
on this session’s final paper, check out RottenTomatoes.com for articles on An Inconvenient Truth. George F. Will is an op-ed columnist for The Washington Post, and has written a scathing counterargument to Gore’s movie.
For the good of the community, post any other online articles you find.
If you were absent this Friday, your assignment is to choose a book and read it. We will continue the journals through the end of this semester, but I’d like you to find something you’re interested in and read it. The type, genre, content, author, time period, and place of publication does not matter.
If you would like some suggestions, please comment below or check out the book widget on the side of the page. I’m happy to help you narrow your search. Happy reading—the weather’s perfect for it.
We will be writing an essay over An Inconvenient Truth for our final on Thursday. It is vital that you are not absent, as we will be watching the movie in class on Monday and Tuesday.
If you agree with the message, you will be writing an analysis.
If you disagree or are not sure, you will be writing an argumentative paper, refuting or qualifying the argument.
Here are the notes from the Rhet review:
More on Monday. Post questions below.