Brave New World Papers

World Literature

December 16th, 2008

Themes: ,

I’ve received lots of email about due dates for the paper, etc.  Assuming we have school on Wednesday, the due date stands.  If you have questions, I am happy to answer them.  Remember, this is not a “final draft” due date, but only a “work in progress” check.  For those who have asked for extensions, you must bring to class a copy of your progress so far; I can’t help you out if I can’t see where you’re going.

Absoloutely No Educational Value Here.

AP Language, Internet Goodness

December 15th, 2008


You have been warned.

Quick Reminder

AP Language

December 15th, 2008

[Bah!  Foiled again!  The best laid plans…]  Ahhh, gotta love random breaks.  I don’t mean to rain on your snow days, but I thought I’d remind you that the project is still due tomorrow Wednesday, weather permitting.  If you have any last-minute questions, send me an email.

Visual Arguments

AP Language

December 11th, 2008

Themes: ,


Check out the Conservative/Liberals Post for readable instructions.

Please bring a clean, final copy of your argumentative article to class tomorrow.

Frankensteinian Stories

British Literature

December 5th, 2008

Themes: , ,

The projected due date: December 12, 2008.

The task: To take a theme (see image below) from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and create a new work explore it with an original work.  This work can be visual (painting, drawing, CGI), tactile (dance, sculpture, diorama), auditory (song), or written (poetry, short story, essay, screenplay, comic book).  If I haven’t mentioned a medium you’d like to work within, just post a comment.

The goal:  We’ve discussed the role of fiction in society (to take an aspect of life and magnify it), we’ve discussed what Shelley might be trying to tell us, so now it’s your turn.  Create a work that explains an idea, thought, action, problem, or other aspect of life in a new and interesting way for your audience.

The rules:


"Monstrous" parakeet: