I was really impressed by all the ways you guys came up with to illuminate your poetry. How are the projects coming? If you are having trouble figuring out a passage or how you could represent a part of the poem, post a comment here and we can discuss it.
Remember, the rough drafts are due on Tuesday 25th. It is a check of your progress on the project and a chance to ask any last-minute questions.
This week we will be watching About a Boy on Monday and part of Tuesday. After we finish the movie, we will discuss the projects. Your illuminated poetry is due on Wednesday, and we will begin presentations then.
Your presentation should include the title, author, and any background information, any relevant history of the poem or piece, and an explanation of your work. We will conclude with questions from the class.
I hope everything is going well, but if you do have a concern, please email me.
See you tomorrow.
For this assignment you will be responding to the two attached photographs. Taking into consideration the composition and layout of the two pictures, answer the following prompt in a two-page argument:
Who is affected most profoundly in these two photographs? Using evidence from the photographs, defend your choice in a well-developed essay.
Because this is a argumentative essay, you must state an argument in your thesis then back it with evidence from the texts. This may seem difficult without words to cite, but take a few minutes to look over the images while you mark interesting parts. Some questions to help you get started:
New York Times Image
How would you characterize the boy’s clothing? Is this dress ironic?
How would you characterize the soldiers’ dress? That is the most distinctive thing about the soldier with his back to the camera?
What are the soldiers looking for? Do they have a right to search the boy?
Time Image
What do the eyes in the photograph tell you?
Why is it surprising that children are included in these photographs?
Discuss in the comments section if you are stuck. Remember, you are making an argument. Use your thesis statement to state the argument, then back it with your ideas supported by the text. You will be counted off if you write an opinion paper or stray too far from the photographs.
Your TP-CASTT worksheets are due tomorrow at the beginning of class. If you choose to do a poem or piece not listed in the handout you must email me before midnight tonight so I can okay it.
The dates on page three of the Illuminated Poetry handout are off. The Rough Draft is due Tuesday 25th and the Final Copy and Presentation will be Wednesday 26th. Sorry about the misprint.
If you did not turn in an essay today, please email it to me by 4pm today to avoid a late penalty.
If you cannot print your essay at home, please print it before school in my room or at one of the other computers around the building. I will not accept a paper turned in after the beginning of class.
As always, if you have any questions please ask.
Just a reminder: Your essays are due tomorrow. Please have them typed in the usual format and ready to turn in at the beginning of the hour.
Also, we will be going over articles in class tomorrow, returning to our schedule of article discussion on Tuesdays and Thursdays.