3rd Hour Discussion

Contemporary Nonfiction

February 1st, 2008

Go for it. I’m excited to see the plan.


Contemporary Nonfiction

February 1st, 2008

Check out this blog (Tuna’s Aquarium) created by a high school senior taking AP Lang.  I came across it while reading teacher-y stuff on Clay Burell’s blog Beyond-School.org.  I don’t know how may of you blog (or if you do, if you would want to share that information with all of us), but I’m impressed by this student’s style.  Enjoy.  As always, comment for the good of all, and post links if you want to share.


AP Language

January 31st, 2008

Check out this blog (Tuna’s Aquarium) created by a high school senior taking AP Lang.  I came across it while reading teacher-y stuff on Clay Burell’s blog Beyond-School.org.  I don’t know how may of you blog (or if you do, if you would want to share that information with all of us), but I’m impressed by this student’s style.  Enjoy.  As always, comment for the good of all, and post links if you want to share.

Our Next Novel(s)

British Literature

January 31st, 2008

Your homework for tonight is to come up with a short list of books you’d like to read for class. 

Tomorrow we will decide whether we want to read different books in groups or one novel as a class.  If we read together, we will have weekly reading quizzes as we did with About a Boy last semester.  If we read in groups, we will work from the Discussion Leader, Connection, and Scrivener worksheets as we did at the end last semester.  We’ll discuss this in class tomorrow.


AP Language

January 29th, 2008

I’m not sure why it has taken me this long to come up with this. I’ve added a section in the right column entitled “What We’re Up To.” It is a brief synopsis of what you should be working on for the next class. I will provide the details of all assignments in posts as usual, but this is a good filter for what you need to have done before we meet again.