
AP Language. Thu, Jan 31st, 2008 at 10:52 pm

Check out this blog (Tuna’s Aquarium) created by a high school senior taking AP Lang.  I came across it while reading teacher-y stuff on Clay Burell’s blog  I don’t know how may of you blog (or if you do, if you would want to share that information with all of us), but I’m impressed by this student’s style.  Enjoy.  As always, comment for the good of all, and post links if you want to share.

2 Responses to “Sidetrack!”

  1. Okie says:

    How was Black Hole?

  2. JStallings says:

    It was great. I love Burns’s style (he does all of the covers for The Believer). It’s another work on high school alienation, but interesting.