Two Million Minutes

Contemporary Nonfiction. Sun, Mar 2nd, 2008 at 5:32 pm

Themes: , ,

[This is a repeat of this post from earlier this month.]

Check out the resources for more information:

Yahoo! news article

Some things to keep in mind:

Write about your thoughts, reactions, solutions, or arguments.  Post below if you’d like.

2 Responses to “Two Million Minutes”

  1. K vOn MO says:

    Tried to buy Steven Johnson’s (I think that’s what you said his name was) book today at the 41st and Yale Barnes and Noble.

    They said you placed a big order yesterday for the TSAS kids, but they don’t have any now. They should be in within a few days.

    Just thought I’d pass that one just in case our whole class doesn’t have the book yet.

  2. JStallings says:

    Hey, thanks. It shouldn’t be a problem. The same thing happened with my last order. Perhaps I should order from the 71st store.