You are all (surely) familiar by now with what happens when I make a plan like this, but I keep trying. Call me the little engine that could.
Monday 12th: Outlines ((If you feel your outline skills are rusty, talk to your peers, a Junior in my AP class (we’re covering them now) or see me before class. I’ll be happy to walk you through it if I can see you’ve made an attempt.)) (via Google Docs and a hard copy) due. These will be sketchy, but your will benefit from a strong start. Remember the prompt: How is Okonkwo’s identity presented in the novel? We will discuss these in class, sharing ideas and sources. If you come across helpful information that isn’t in a previous post, send me an email with the link and how you used it.
Tuesday 13th: Have a revised copy of your outline on Google Docs and in hand (that is: printed). We’ll have the computer lab to ourselves, so come prepared to work through a peer review of the outlines.
Wednesday 14th: Presentation of outlines. This is a bit new, but will give each of you a chance to talk through your outlines with a group of your peers. Each group will have three students, each student will have 15 minutes to present his or her argument. Peers will be looking for cogency, organization, and support. Each group will have a few minutes at the end of class to present highlights.
Thursday 15th: Computer lab! You’ll have the hour to yourselves to write your paper. With a solid outline chock full of support, citations, arguments, and a mind-melting thesis statement you should be able to wrap up a rough draft before class is over. If not, you can always finish in the evening.
Friday 16th: Peer review in the computer lab. Works Cited pages will be polished, grammar will be corrected, ideas will be organized.
Over the weekend you’ll finish it up for a final due date of Monday the 19th.