Visual Representation of the Archetype

World Literature. Sun, May 10th, 2009 at 9:43 pm

I’ve had a few questions regarding this phase of the project. To clarify, there are two goals I want to achieve and two parameters I wish you to follow.


Parameters of project:

If you create your project on the computer, do not worry about printing it. Simply email the file to me, burn it to a disk, stick it on a flash drive, or upload it to MediaFire or another hosting service.

If you create your project by hand, it may be letter-sized.

Email any questions.

2 Responses to “Visual Representation of the Archetype”

  1. Wesley says:

    I’m confused, have we not already done this portion of the assignment? I did a double take because I saw the date on it. Is this different than the poster?

    • JStallings says:

      Yeah, I’m not sure why the post is doubled like that. Importing probs, I suppose. We’re on the draft of our essays now. I’ll be in tomorrow.