Visual Representation of the Archetype
World Literature.
Sun, May 10th, 2009 at 9:43 pm
I’ve had a few questions regarding this phase of the project. To clarify, there are two goals I want to achieve and two parameters I wish you to follow.
- Achieve an understanding what your archetype is, on an essential level (which you should be discovering as you find your 50 examples)
- Represent that essence visually using an original image of the medium of your choice (from photography to Photoshop or ink to paint; it doesn’t matter).
Parameters of project:
- Must include the image described above
- Must incorporate (either through text or smaller images) the fifty examples you have found.
If you create your project on the computer, do not worry about printing it. Simply email the file to me, burn it to a disk, stick it on a flash drive, or upload it to MediaFire or another hosting service.
If you create your project by hand, it may be letter-sized.
Email any questions.
2 Responses to “Visual Representation of the Archetype”
May 11, 2009 at 9:39 pm
I’m confused, have we not already done this portion of the assignment? I did a double take because I saw the date on it. Is this different than the poster?
May 11, 2009 at 9:46 pm
Yeah, I’m not sure why the post is doubled like that. Importing probs, I suppose. We’re on the draft of our essays now. I’ll be in tomorrow.