Today we discussed the two stories included in the packet yesterday. While the connection between the two might have been obvious, it gave us a chance to discuss the portability of stories and practice the index card system. Here are three examples from 5th hour today:
Notice the author’s name on the right, the quotation in the middle, and the analysis at the end. This student also included a connector for the Anansi story.
The “Brer Rabbit” title seems a bit specific, but if this student were to continue to study this particular character, the title would help him find cards from different stories easily.
Again, the author’s name in the upper right corner and a title that includes the name of a character. I’ve added “(wife)” to the General Topic on the top left to allow this card to fall under the more general “all wives” category rather than this specific woman.
This card contains, rather than a direct quotation, a paraphrase of the action in the story. This is a good thing to do instead of quoting large sections of the story (the wife’s advice in the four trials, in this case).
The analysis in this card is better than the first example, as the student is looking into the motivations of the character and comparing her to her husband.
Another great example. Similar to the previous example, I have added “(sky god)” in the General Topic section in order to open up the possibility of connecting this character to Zeus, Horus, etc.
The analysis pulls the god’s miserly nature from the fact that he “kept all the stories locked up in a wooden box.” The next step, perhaps, for this student would be to look for miserliness in other gods or characters, or perhaps look for other boxes in other stories…