Your Ideas, Your Project, Your City

AP Language. Sat, Jan 24th, 2009 at 11:03 am


So.  We’ve embarked upon a new project; one that will challenge your creative genius, your communication skills, your writing abilities, and your willingness to get your hands dirty (unless you’re working in the South; they don’t allow dirt.  There was an ordinance).

In case you missed it, here’s the list of the topics chosen by your peers:

Hope you can crack my code. 

Here’s the deal:  You are all focused on one geographical area, but are looking at it from many different angles.  Because of this, and because there are too many resources for us all to read/watch/visit/experience, please share your resources.  They are going to overlap often, and two people may certainly use the same one.  Post them below as you are doing your searching.  It would be helpful if you also posted a brief explanation of the link, picture, etc.  That way, we have a running annotated bibliography as we progress.  (It doesn’t have to be in proper format, but that would certainly help. Practice is always a good thing.)

The Goal

This project requires you to draw upon your understanding of how a certain message or argument can be most effectively presented to an audience.  As you are all presenting different messages to different audiences, I cannot give you a list of requirements for the finished product.  That will come as we move further.  What I can do, however, is guide your individual projects as they develop.  We will discuss your progress and share resources on Wednesday.  I will ask you to write out what you believe your message will be, who your audience is, and how you will present this message to them.  These elements will change as you do more searching, but I would like a hypothesis from which to start.

This is such an exciting project; I can’t wait to see how it all turns out.

2 Responses to “Your Ideas, Your Project, Your City”

  1. Gwyn says:
    Thats the website with all the demographics by zip code

  2. clarissa says:

    hey, my internet’s not working right, and it’s taken me forever just to get this page up, not to mention my email. but here is the weekend hw.
    purpose: change typical view of tulsa
    method: “carry a nome across the world” journal
    i did some interviews, and some history on the places, but i still need much more of both.