Cool Internetness.

Internet Goodness. Wed, Aug 13th, 2008 at 2:06 pm

Themes: ,

If you were confused by the RSS feed talk today, check out this older post.  I have listed sites that I enjoy, as well as a video about setting up an RSS feed yourself.

I’d add Treehugger and Popmatters to the list.

Remember, comment below, telling me who you are (if it isn’t obvious from your name), which web sites you like to visit and anything else you care to share, like good music!  If you don’t have a site to share, click on a link that has been posted, have a look around, and report back.

Buy journals soon.

Amazing first day!  Thanks, guys.

8 Responses to “Cool Internetness.”

  1. Sherrie says:
    It’s a flight of the Concords, “Part time model” video. it’s SOOO funny!

  2. JStallings says:

    @Sherrie: The Conchords are amazing! My father actually got me hooked. Hadn’t seen the video, good call.

    Well, my contribution: Since you have a list of my favorite sites, here’s a video about the “4AM Conspiracy.” Everything’s connected, my friends.

  3. s t a c i e says:

    A comedian rant/jokes about Pachelbel's Canon in D. He shows how common Pachelbel shows up in current music.

    "When you walk to school with a cello, you're like a wounded gazelle on the Serengeti".

    && another site…

  4. Sherrie says:

    Class was totally awesome today! keep up the good work!!! (haha)

  5. JStallings says:

    Thanks! You guys do all the work; I just try to keep up.

  6. s t a c i e says:

    You’ll never guess what song I have stuck in my head!

  7. Sherrie says:

    i think it’s kinda funny how we are the ONLY ones who comment…i’m thinkin EXTRA CREDIT?!?!?! just sayin.

  8. JStallings says:

    Above and beyond. Always a good thing. Winter’s Night is hopping, though. Might drop by every once in a while and join in there.