will be fueled by our creations.
Today we discussed motivations, which led us to Freud’s pleasure principle. Here’s a clip from the board:
How’s the search coming? If you have a video that you’d like to share, post it in the comments section below. Here’s one from Gwyn that she posted under the previous header:
The video’s from Ted.com are always amazing, and this is no exception. The speaker contends (among many other things) that adults have learned to be frightened of being “wrong.” Has anyone seen Meet the Robinsons?
Our discussion tomorrow will be based on the articles and information we bring in. Remember, it is one thing to know something, but quite another to understand and use this understanding to create.
Here are a few more articles from you guys:
And one from another teacher:
March 6, 2008 at 11:18 pm
Well, I don’t know if this is what you’re looking for, but it’s pretty incredible. A little long, but if you skip around to the good parts, you know.
Basically, kids in some US elementary school are not being taught the traditional ways of 2 digit mulitiplication and division because it’s a waste of time when they could just use a calculator. In the end, the speaker suggests parents tutor their children with math books from Singapore. And what does that say about our education system?