
Contemporary Fiction. Wed, Mar 5th, 2008 at 8:11 pm

I apologize for the late start, but it looks like we’re up and running now. Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the blog; this will be my primary means of communicating with all of you outside of class.

On the right side of my nifty header are links to my other blogs/classes. W&G (or Windmills and Giants) is the AP English Language blog, and WN Blog (or Winter’s Night Blog) is the site for Modern Nonfiction.

It would be a good idea to bookmark this page now as I will be posting class information, reading lists, reminders, articles, and links to web pages here regularly. If you forget an assignment or are absent one day, I will normally direct you here for the information.

If you have an RSS reader (like Google Reader), click here to subscribe to this blog. If you don’t know what an RSS reader is, Google the phrase or ask me.

I have placed a list of the books I’ve just finished under the “Winsome Book-ness” button in the right sidebar. If you see something you might be interested in, come talk to me and I’ll lend you a copy.

Finally, the comment button at the end of each post allows you to ask questions about the post, especially if you have a question about an assignment. I check these regularly, so expect a quick response. Also, it is possible that someone else has a similar question.

Comments are closed.