Entirely Un-Scientific…

AP Language. Tue, Jan 22nd, 2008 at 6:05 pm

and possibly just wrong.  But, this test is an interesting way to get you thinking about some of the major issues, if only for long enough to fill in a bubble.  Share your results!


4 Responses to “Entirely Un-Scientific…”

  1. K vOn MO says:

    The results are on my blog. They won’t let me post them in a comment.

  2. JStallings says:

    Yeah, blogger doesn’t want angry html appearing on its blogs. Just post your top score(s) if you’d like.

  3. t beatty says:

    my top scores went john mccain, hillary then obama and Ron Paul was last. very very weird. the opposite of what i expected

  4. K vOn MO says:

    AAAAHAHA. Stallings. Your picture is crackin’ me up for sure.