War of the Worlds Reading Schedule

British Literature. Sun, Nov 18th, 2007 at 6:08 pm

Themes: ,

The classes reading War of the Worlds (3rd and 4th, I believe) should follow this reading schedule:

Read this:

Before this:

Chs 1-3

Tuesday, Nov. 20th

Chs 4-7

Monday, Nov. 26th

Chs 8-12

Monday, Dec. 3rd

I will update this if something changes, and continue the schedule through the rest of the book as we move into December.

3 Responses to “War of the Worlds Reading Schedule”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Could we get chapters? As I think some of our books are different.

  2. JStallings says:

    Yes. Thanks. I’ll update the post.

  3. Anonymous says:

