MGRP Presentation One

British Literature. Mon, Dec 3rd, 2007 at 11:41 am

Before presenting, you should read one book over your topic and at least one source from Internet, printed, audio, or visual material.

This presentation is like the opening paragraph of an essay. Just like in an essay, you will be describing your topic, your two sources, what you plan to study, why, and how. Your presentation should be at least five minutes long, and inform your peers about your topic. Remember, your audience is most likely unfamiliar with your subject material, so provide any necessary background information.

Below is a possible outline for your presentation. Visual materials are not required, but could be helpful.


  1. Opening
    1. Introduce yourself
    2. Introduce your topic
      1. Why did you choose this topic?
      2. Do you have any past experience with it?
    3. Introduce your materials
      1. Where did you find your materials?
      2. Why did you choose these materials?
      3. What background information do you have on your material?
  2. Body
    1. Explain your material
      1. What did you learn from your materials?
      2. Describe/explain your book
      3. Describe/explain your other source
      4. Explain why the book and other source are important in studying your topic
    2. Describe your future study plans
      1. What other aspects of your topic are you interested in?
      2. What other sources will you look at in order to learn more about your topic?
  3. Conclusion
    1. Sum up your presentation
    2. Include any additional information or cool things you’ve discovered about your topic
  4. Ask for questions.

3 Responses to “MGRP Presentation One”

  1. Tyler, Mollie, Sarah says:

    Please explain this question. What background information do you have on your material?

  2. small eyes says:

    whens the next “deadline” chapters due on WOW

  3. Conner says:

    When are the next deadline chapters due on WOTW