Today was fantastic. You all seem really excited about your topics, and I learned a lot. Some of you thought I was kidding when I said you’d each be an expert on your topic, but by the end of this session we will have a whole class of TSAS graduates who are experts on topics ranging from Tudor England to graffiti to the Beatles and Irish mythology. I can’t wait.
We devoted today to studying our sources, taking notes, etc. In preparation for the outline that will be due on Friday. I went around to most students, tossing paper topics around until one stuck.
For those that I did not get around to, I will be talking with you first thing tomorrow. For the rest of you, use your time to study your sources and pull quotes that will help with your essay topics. Post-its are great for this purpose, but take notes however you wish.
If you have a video or audio source, bring them to class! I have a VHS player, a CD player, a DVD player, and a projector for online video, so use the 70 minutes in class to review any documentaries/albums, etc. that you may be using as sources.
For class tomorrow: Bring at least four sources for your paper to class. We will be creating Works Cited pages, and the information in the book (on the video/album/picture, etc.) is necessary to do this. We will continue working on our outlines tomorrow as well.
As always, post a comment or email me with any questions or suggestions.