The long weekend is upon us. Enjoy yourselves. Take a road trip. Don’t play too much Halo. Read your books. Go to a concert (Spoon at Cain’s!). Take a walk. You will be graded on one of these activities when you get back.
Dive into the first two chapters of Lord of the Flies sometime this weekend. This is a thrilling book, but be sure to keep up with your reading journals as you go. As this is a very symbolic book, I asked you on Thursday to include an explanation of three symbols (something tangible representing something intangible) in your journal along with your basic responses, but don’t worry if you can’t find three this weekend; the journals are due on Friday and we will read further before then.
[Edit: I’ve just discovered that Barnes and Noble has run out of copies of because guess what? They lost my order once again. It’s probably something I am doing wrong, but calling the store, saying, “I need 45 copies of Lord of the Flies in a week” seems pretty straightforward. Please let me know soon if you can’t get a copy and I will make arrangements.]
[Edit Take Two: (It is now… 5:00 on Friday), but I just got back from Borders and they have several copies in stock. I haven’t received any email; does that mean we’re all stocked?]
Anonymous says:
September 30, 2007 at 10:31 pm
kelci doesn’t have the book.
last minute isn’t a very good idea..
JStallings says:
September 30, 2007 at 10:48 pm
Come see me before school and I can loan you one.