This essay is a bit different from those we have written before. You are asked to defend or attack the importance of The Island as a piece of cinema. Keeping your personal reactions out of this paper will be difficult, but you should be able to do it. Frame your argument around what it means for a movie to be “quality”; does it mean that it is possible to discuss? Should a quality movie reflect the culture in which it is written? Should it receive excellent reviews and do well in ticket sales? This is where your opinion comes in.
After you decide how you would like to argue your point, begin writing your thesis. Here’s an example: Although The Island was not a critical success, the movie’s representation of popular culture (for better or worse) makes this movie important as a reflection of the contemporary zeitgeist.
We will work on this a bit on Wednesday, but come to class with an outline and be prepared to discuss.
September 19, 2007 at 10:47 am
Hope you like my essay. 🙂
September 19, 2007 at 7:25 pm
…what exactly are furries?