Group Discussions

AP Language. Thu, Oct 18th, 2007 at 12:54 pm

Here we go, the final leg of this semester. Our next project will be worth a total of 300 points, with 180 of them going to your Discussion grade (quizzes, etc), and 120 going to the Paper section of your grade (essays, etc). This means that the rest of the year should look something like this in your calendars:
So, for Monday, each member of your group should fill out the worksheet for his or her position in the discussion. We’ll talk about the final presentations on Monday.

3 Responses to “Group Discussions”

  1. Anonymous says:

    how very orderly of you, thanks.

  2. K vOn MO says:

    I don’t really understand what we’re supposed to have done by Monday. What are these worksheets?

  3. JStallings says:

    As a group, you should decide which position each member should serve for Monday (three members, three positions, three worksheets). These should be filled out before Monday based on your group’s reading schedule.

    I passed out the worksheets on Tuesday. If you were not in class, let me know and I’ll email you the document.