Birmingham, Jena, Extra Credit

AP Language. Mon, Oct 1st, 2007 at 4:48 pm


If you were unable to annotate your copy of “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” please do so tonight. On a similar topic, here is an opinion piece on the “Jena Six” by Steve Coll, published in The New Yorker.

Missed an article recently? Here’s your chance to make it up:
For extra credit (10 pts), contrast the style (T-DIDLS) of the above article and this one by Richard G. Jones from The New York Times. Keep in mind the objective of each (to persuade and to inform) and their context.

You have one week. You may use these articles for discussion or extra credit, not both.

One Response to “Birmingham, Jena, Extra Credit”

  1. taus says:

    You know you’re at TSAS when the english teacher learns how to “crank dat”.